Please note: this position is now closed.
Realtime Trains is an independent resource for train information in Great Britain. We provide answers to tens of millions of train information requests every month. Our services help provide information to the public, businesses, independent developers and support the rail industry itself.
We’re looking for someone to join us as a Customer Support Assistant. This role is for a minimum of 10 hours per week for three months, at £11 per hour.
This role is a remote position and we expect you to be available every weekday. We have a preference of this being within typical office hours but this can be flexible. You need to be resident in the United Kingdom for this role.
You will be responsible for communicating with and providing support to our users by answering their queries through our support ticket system. You will also be required to compile lists of common issues and problems so that we can focus on resolving major issues that our users are facing and improving our services. We’re also developing a new facility on our site to help our users better understand some of the information we offer, and you will be tasked with helping with the creation of end-user guides.
It’ll be advantageous if you have knowledge of how the railways work. It’s also beneficial if you’re already a user of Realtime Trains and understand its capabilities. If you don’t know something, we’ll make sure you know what you need to know.
This role requires that you have a computer and connection to the internet. If you don’t, that’s not a problem - we’ll help you out.
You will need to provide evidence that you can legally work in the United Kingdom. Sorry, no agencies please.
How to apply
You can apply for this position by emailing us at with your CV and any information you think we should know about why you’re right for the role. You can e-mail us at the same place if you have any more questions.
Applications are open until 30 August 2020 at 22:00. If this position is oversubscribed, we may close applications earlier.