Here at Realtime Trains and RailMiles, we’ve done our best to play our part to encourage our customers and users to stay at home in order to reduce the spread of coronavirus. The best thing that anyone can do in this situation is stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.
Staying at home means that many of our users will be unable to use the journey logging facilities of the RailMiles service as they are not able to travel under the current guidelines. We have, therefore, been looking at extending subscriptions once the travel restrictions relax.
If you hold, or have held, a RailMiles subscription that was active between 16th and 27th March, your subscription will be automatically extended once the travel restrictions relax sufficiently. We aren’t currently able to say how long we will make extensions by: this will depend on the length of time that travel restrictions and social distancing guidelines are in place. We will make this judgement closer to the time and announce it via the usual channels - our blog, Twitter and Facebook.
In the mean time, please stay at home and save lives. To all of the #railwayfamily out there and key workers, thank you for keeping the country running.
More information
- Any user who holds an active subscription to RailMiles between the 16th March 2020 and 27th March 2020 will receive an automatic subscription extension at a later date, to be announced.
- New customers are included.
- Any customer who lets their subscription expire before the date the extensions are applied will have a new subscription created of the appropriate length on the appropriate date. No journey history will be lost.
- The length of time of the extension is yet to be decided and will be communicated at a later date.
- We are not deleting any data from expired accounts for the period of these restrictions. If you do wish your account to be deleted, please contact us at